Relevant Experience

Software Engineering /Data Analysis Intern

Company: Greenserv Inc

Duration: May 2023 - Aug 2023

Conducted a rigorous financial analysis at GreenServ, a startup poised for expansion, evaluating cost and revenue metrics to unveil a transparent view of Greenserv’s fiscal health, aligning on the company’s strategic financial decisions. Performed data analysis using Python and its libraries, resolved over 2000 data inconsistencies, and designed entity relationship diagrams for SQL-Azure integration, laying a foundation for enhanced data storage and retrieval. Developed an Excel-based visualization tool from scratch, leading to a 90% improvement in route visualization and effectively capturing critical operational metrics, given no prior tool existed. Led route optimization initiatives, seamlessly integrating data insights and preparing the infrastructure for Azure database integration, which laid the groundwork for adopting PowerBI, enhancing their capabilities in advanced data visualization.

Computer Science Teaching Assistant & Tutor

Company: University of Mississippi

Duration: Aug 2023 - present

Support professors by grading assignments and labs twice a week throughout the semester, while also conducting labs instructing on Java, data structures, and algorithms to a cohort of 25 students for 7 hours a week. In addition, I tutor Computer Science students, aiding them in completing more than 30 coding projects or assignments, ensuring adherence to grading criteria, clarifying complex technical concepts, and offering explanations to facilitate comprehension for 13 hours per week. I also analyze student performance and provide regular feedback to refine my teaching strategies, ultimately improving learning outcomes for both parties.


HackHarvard | Best-First-Time-Hack Winner

Company: Harvard University

Duration: Oct 2023

Developed a life-changing AI-based platform within 36 hours, aimed at reducing loneliness in seniors and dementia patients, fostering companionship, and aiding memory recall using tools like OpenAI API and Vector DB. I led the development of a progressive web application using Angular, Ionic, and Node.js, ensuring a seamless and responsive user interface tailored for both seniors and caregivers. In addition, I implemented a robust user authentication and data storage system with Firebase, enhancing security for user registration, login, and session management. My collaboration on the efficient data exchange between front-end and back-end using Express.js contributed to the project’s recognition as Best First-Time Hack at HackHarvard 2023 out of a pool of 630+ participants.